
We recommend that you first apply the AI function under the Feature Module, before using the manual liquefaction to make detailed adjustments. After completing the liquefaction effect, click on the “OK“ in the lower right corner to save the effect.

Forward Warp Tool – Pushes, stretches, shrinks, or expands specific areas as you drag to change the shape and the size of that area.

Reconstruct Tool – Reverse the distortion you've already added.

Smooth Tool – Smooth the details and salient features of the picture, making it smoother and more even to improve the appearance.

Twirl Clockwise Tool – Rotate pixels clockwise as you hold down the mouse button or drag, achieving a rotating effect on objects in the picture.

Pucker Tool – Move pixels toward the center of the brush area as you hold on, building an effect that resembles fabric, paper, or skin folds.

Bloat Tool – Move pixels away from the center, making it appear fuller or more prominent.

Push Left – This will move the pixels to the center area to the left for a horizontal displacement effect.

Freeze Mask Tool – By freezing areas of the preview image, you protect those areas from changes. Frozen areas are covered by a mask that you paint using the Freeze Mask tool.

Thaw Mask Tool – Use to unfreeze the original freezing area.

For each different liquifying tool, there are sliders to adjust their effect.

Size – Adjust the size of the liquefaction brush to control the extent of the liquefaction tool.

Density – This allows you to adjust the density of the liquefaction tool. Higher density values will result in a denser liquefaction effect, causing a more pronounced distortion effect. A low-density value produces a sparser liquefaction with a smaller area of influence and a relatively slight distortion effect.

Pressure – This allows you to control the pressure intensity of the liquefaction tool. A high pressure will produce a strong liquefaction effect, while a low-pressure value will produce a weak liquefaction effect.

Rate – Adjust the responsiveness or degree of distortion of the liquefaction tool. It determines the speed of change when you move the mouse or brush.

Pin Edge Enable

It is used to lock the edge areas of a picture from being affected by the liquefaction tool. You can use the feature when you want to keep the shape, structure, or details of certain areas unchanged during the liquefaction process.

Show Mask Enable

Based on the Freeze Mask Tool, if you disable the freeze mask tool, then the mask created by the freeze mask tool will be hidden, and you won’t be able to see it.

Last updated