[How to use] -- Setting
v3.7 updated
Last updated
v3.7 updated
Last updated
Use Graphics Processor – enable to increase the processing speed, enable and reopen the Evoto to apply the setting.
Improve effect rendering speed – enable to increase the processing speed for rendering, but the processing speed will mainly depend on the device you are using. To apply the setting, enable and reopen the Evoto.
Improve retouching effect processing speed – enable to increase the processing speed for retouching, but the processing speed will mainly depend on the device you are using.
Improve effect processing speed of group portraits – enable this feature if you are editing a group picture that involves more than 15 people.
Request Timeout Durations – set a network timeout based on your actual situation.
Max Simultaneous Exports – usually Evoto will set a default value for you based on the computer settings, and changing the number might slow down your computer.
Image Caption/Description – for the exported picture, you can choose the caption to be either Evoto or the original information.
Go to Personal Center → Setting → Cache, to set up your Cache Setting (For Mac it is on the Evoto Preference Setting, use “Comm + ,” to open).
You can set the automatically clear the cache (from 3 to 15 days) or click Clear Cache to clear it manually. You can also set a Maximum Cache limit, and the system will automatically clear the cache once it is excess.
When you click Clear Cache manually, all history records of manual operations such as manual liquefaction, manual brush application, and brush repair will all be cleared.
( 🆕 version 3.7 🆕 ) Color Space Settings – Added color space options in Preview Settings, allowing users to manually select between sRGB and Adobe RGB.
Preview Size (px) – Please note that in Evoto, we are only showing you the preview image, it is not the original image. Usually Evoto will set a default value for you based on the computer settings. Adjusting the preview size will only affect the preview, it won’t have anything applied to the exported pictures.
Thumbnails Settings – you can use it to manage the thumbnail setting in Gallery sections.
Effect Loading Settings (Only if you have chosen the "Show Edited Images" for Thumbnails Settings) – enable this feature to preload the picture to reduce the waiting. It might affect the exporting speed, however.
Synced Preview Position and Scale Settings - Adding Preview Image Position and Size Follow Settings.
The default behavior is to remember the zoom and position adjustments made, ensuring that these changes are retained for the next image. Users can further adjust these settings in the settings popup for other specific requirements.