Healing Tool

Users can use healing tools to repair the picture. You just need to click or drag the brush over the area that needs to be repaired, and it will automatically do the repair based on the surrounding image information. Healing tools can intelligently repair the selected area by blending the texture and color with its surroundings for a natural-looking repair.

Spot Healing Brush Tool

It will sample the size around it to heal the area that you have selected.

Size – adjust the healing brush size.

Hardness – adjust the hardness of the healing brush to make it recover more naturally

Patch Tool

The Patch tool makes you select an area as a source to repair another named destination area, and based on the source area’s pattern repair the destination area.

Source – select the source area.

Destination – apply the source area’s pattern to the destination area.

Clone Stamp Tool

This tool paints one part of the picture over another part of the same picture with different locations. It is duplicating the pixels to remove or cover the defect in the picture.

Size – adjust the tool size.

Hardness – adjust the tool’s hardness.

Evoto also provides 5 different modes for clone Stamp Tool. They are Normal, Multiply, Screen Mode, Lighten Mode, and Darken Mode.

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