Download and Register

Download and Install the Evoto

You can enter the Download Page from Evoto official website.

Select the software based on your device.

We currently provide with MacOS version and the Windows version.

We have opened the option to our user for both the Beta version and the Stable version of the software.

For the Beta version, you can find the most up-to-date features, but keep in mind that the system is still under Beta development, and you might experience some issues while using it.

For the Stable version, we are more focused on providing a stable system to our users, however many of the new features will not be updated in the system.

After downloading and installing the software successfully, now enter the world of Evoto!

Sign Up for Evoto

Click on the sign-up from the login page. Enter your email to create your account, and receive the confirmation code.

Enter your password for your account.

Currently, Evoto accepts both Email & Phone registration.

For the first-time sign-up user, please make sure you will have received the confirmation email, and enter the confirmation code to the device to activate your account.

If you already have an account, you can just log in from the page.

Log into Evoto through PasswordLog into Evoto through Code

You can now log in and start experiencing the Evoto.

Last updated