Face Shape

By using the different sliders of the face to adjust the facial lines and make them look more smooth.

Usually, pull the slider to the left for an inward contraction effect, and pull the slider to the right for an outward stretching effect.


Applied below the temple of each side of the face, using the liquify technology.


Adjust the contour line at the facial temple using the slider.


Adjustment of contour lines for the cheekbone position of the face using the slider.


Adjustment of contour lines for the jaw using the slider, this mostly won’t affect the chin.

Face Size

Move the slider to the left (lower value) to smaller the face, and move the slider to the right to make the face bigger.

Jawline Length

Renamed from Taper Face. Use the slider to reduce the length and width of the face below the ears, and visually it will also reduce the size of the lower and middle area of the face. The bottom part of the face has been smaller accordingly when the slider moves left, and counter-wise while the slider moves right.

Face Width

The slider controls the total width of the face. Pull the slider to the left to reduce the width of the face, and to the right to increase the width of the face.


The slider controls the philtrum (a vertical indentation in the middle area of the upper lip) length on the face.

Middle Section

A slider to control the middle section (usually the distance from the eyebrows to the tip of the nose) on the face and adjust the length and the ratio of the facial features to make the face more coordinated and harmonious.

Lower Section

A slider to control the low section (the distance from the tip of the nose to the chin) on the face.

Taper Chin

Use a slider to control the line of the chin, and this slider only applies the change on the chin without jar.

Positively adjusting the slider can make the round or square shape of the chin to the pointed chin.

Reduce Chin Length

According to the original shape of the chin, the slider can shorten/lengthen the chin and jaw.

Unlike the "Taper Chin" feature, Reduce Chin Length has a larger scope on the chin.


Adjustment of hairline using the slider.

Last updated