
Eyes in Facial Reshape supports the adjustment focused on the eye size, height or width of the eye, spacing between eyes, how it tilts, and positions.

If you would like to adjust the brightness of the eye or add the shining spot to make your character look more vivid and natural, you can use the Eyes Feature Group

Full Eye Size

Adjustment on the entire eye.

Eyeball Size

Original "Size" adjustment, use the slider to resize the eyeball.


Use the slider to adjust the overall height of the eyes, usually stretching from the middle of the eyes to make them closer or more separate, and visually it will also make the eye smaller or bigger.


Use the slider to adjust the width of the eyes, and usually the stretch is more obvious at the edge of the eye.


Use the slider to adjust the horizontal location of the eyes. The slider moving to the left makes the eyes move closer to the center (nose), and conversely moving right will make the eyes move far away from the center.


Adjusting the tilt angle of the character's eyes, the slider pole to the left lowers the end of the eye and raises the head of the eye, giving the eye a downward trend. The slider moves to the right to raise the end of the eye and lower the head of the eye, and the eyes are in an upward trend.


Use the slider to adjust the vertical location of the eyes. Slider moving to the left makes the eyes move down, and conversely will make the eyes move up.

Last updated