Color Adjustment Feature Modules

v3.6 updated


Histogram is a graphical tool used to show the distribution of brightness levels and the number of pixels in a picture. It shows brightness levels from solid black (0) to solid white (255) on a horizontal axis and the number of pixels corresponding to those brightness levels on a vertical axis.

By looking at the histogram, you can see the distribution of pixels at different levels of brightness in a picture, and it will help you to make better adjustments to the brightness, contrast, and color of the picture.

Real-Time Color Adjustments

Evoto has different feature modules while you edit your picture. The real-time color adjustment allows you to check only the color changes while hiding all other effects that are noncolor-related.

Enabling the feature will hide all other effects. Disabling the feature will apply all effects you have made to the pictures.

AI Color Adjustment – AI Color Looks

Evoto’s new AI Color Looks Feature ensures that your photos will stand out with stunning color adjustments tailored to your choice. Embrace your creativity and elevate your photos to the next level effortlessly.

Upgrade AI Color Looks effects to effectively highlight the subject in photos, eliminating the need for users to create additional local masks.

For more details, please refer to the [Feature Introduction] AI Color Looks


The Masking Feature provides you with more flexibility.

For more details, please refer to the [Feature Introduction] Masking


While you have imported presets that include the LUTs color reference information, Evoto will automatically create a profile including the LUTs information which includes what kind of color filter you use to alter the colors in your image.

Usually, this will be set as default as Standard Profile unless you have imported the new type of LUT Profile.

( 🆕 version 3.6 🆕 ) Support B&W mode

Under Color Adjustment → Profile → select B&W

B&W style under profile. This will allow you to turn your image into black and white mode.

After applying the B&W under the profile, some color adjustments will be disable:

  • Color Adjustment → Basic – [Vibrance] & [Saturation] have been grey out.

  • Background Adjustment → Sky Replacement → [Temp] & [Saturation] been grey out.

After applying the B&W, under Color Adjustment → [HSL] feature group will be replaced by [B&W] feature group.


Evoto provides different types of filters to our users, and they can be directly applied to the pictures.

The filter's amount can be adjusted by its slider.

Click on “More” to check out more filters!

Basic Feature Group

White Balance

The purpose of adjusting the white balance is to eliminate color shifts in a picture so that white becomes neutral under different light sources, and the color of the picture can become more accurate and more realistic. Color shifts produced by the source light can be corrected by using Auto White Balance or White Balance Selector.

Auto White Balance

The Auto White Balance function adjusts the color deviations created by the source light. It corrects colors so that white objects appear as white, thus bringing the overall color closer to what the human eye can see. Only RAW files are supported for selecting different white balance types.

Auto: Automatically adjusts white balance for more natural colors.

Daylight: Adjusts for sunny outdoor conditions.

Cloudy: Adjusts based on cloudy day's light condition.

Shade: Adjusts for shadow locations.

Tungsten: Adjusts for incandescent lighting or bright light used in the studio.

Fluorescent: Adjusts for fluorescent lighting.

Flash: Adjusts for the flashlight.

White Balance Selector

The White Balance Selector is used to correct the color temperature and color tint of an entire image by selecting a point in that image as a reference point. When using the White Balance Selector tool, you can also select an area that represents neutral white or grey. Usually, the selected point or area should be white or neutral, such as white clothing, or white walls.

When you click or drag the Selector tool to select the area, Evoto analyses the color information of the selected area, and based on that information adjusts the color temperature and color tint of the entire image to make the white look true and neutral.


Tone is a very important concept in photography, and it determines the distribution of light and dark, color and contrast of a photo. The treatment of tone can enhance the visual impact of a photo, making it more attractive.

Shadows are dark tones, and highlights are bright tones. In natural photographs, there is usually a mixture of tones that create a rich sense of layering or shading.

The importance of tones to a photograph cannot be overstated; not only do they express the emotion of the photograph, but they can also influence the viewer's visual perception. It can help the photographer better express his creativity and emotion, and allow the viewer to better understand the theme and emotion of the photo.

Exposure – Adjusting the Exposure slider will adjust the picture from different aspects to improve the visual effect and the quality of the picture.

Contrast – Increasing Contrast will enhance the brightness and saturation of the picture, making it more vibrant. Decreasing Contrast will make the picture softer, as well as adding more texture and detail to the picture.

Brightness - In the tone module, a new Brightness Slider has been added. The brightness slider retains contrast better, resulting in a more uniform enhancement.

Highlight – Highlights are the brightest areas of a picture. Adjusting Highlights will change the brightness and tint of the lightest area in the picture.

Shadow – Shadows are the darkest areas of a picture. Adjusting Shadows will change the darkness and tint of the darkest area in the picture.

White – The brightest part of the picture. Adjusting White to control the overall brightness and luminance of the picture.

Black – The least bright part of the picture. Adjusting the black color controls the overall darkness and contrast of the picture.

Clarity – Increasing the clarity makes the picture sharper and clearer. It will also eliminate blur and indistinctness in the picture. Turning down Clarity reduces the detail and sharpness in the picture to achieve a soft effect.

Vibrance – often referred to as “smart saturation”. Adjusting vibrance will increase the intensity of muted colors while leaving saturated colors untouched, to make pictures appear much more natural and even.

Saturation – Saturation refers to color intensity. A lower saturation value results in muted colors, while a higher saturation value increases the vividness of the picture.

Curves Feature Group

Curve is a feature that adjusts the brightness, contrast, and color balance of a picture, adjusting it to result in a better color performance and visual effect.

It provides an editable curve for you to precisely adjust pixel values at different brightness levels in the picture by adding, deleting, or moving control points (You can add up to 16 control points). The curve feature can be divided into two types: parametric curve, RGB curve, and single-channel curve for three primary colors.

Parametric Curve

Parametric Curve supports single parameter adjustment for the image’s highlights, lights, darks, and shadows by adjusting the control points on the curve or by moving the slider of each parameter.

Highlights: By adjusting the Highlights parameter in the Curve, you can exercise precise control over the brightness and contrast of highlighted areas. Amplifying the Highlight value enhances the brightness and prominence of bright sections in the image. This intensification highlights intricate details and illuminates light source effects, creating a captivating visual impact. Conversely, lowering the value reduces the brightness, resulting in a softer, more balanced appearance.

Lights: By adjusting the Lights parameter in Curves, you gain the ability to precisely control the brightness and contrast of bright areas. Increasing the Lights value accentuates luminous and bright areas, lending them brightness, and elucidating low-light details. Decreasing the Lights value will add depth and complexity to the image.

Darks: By manipulating the Darks parameter in Curves, you gain precise control over the brightness and contrast of dark areas. Amplifying the Darks value increases the brightness of these areas, resulting in enhanced shadow detail. Reducing the Darks value diminishes the brightness of dark areas, giving them greater depth and complexity.

Shadows: With the Shadows parameter in Curves, you have full control over the brightness and contrast of shadow areas. Increase the Shadows value to brighten the shadow areas, and reveal hidden details within the shadows. On the other hand, decrease the Shadows value to intensify the depth and contrast of the shadows, making them more pronounced and impactful.

RGB Curves

Easily adjust the three primary color channels of the picture at the same time with RGB Curves. Moving the control points on the curve to increase or decrease brightness and contrast. Raising the curve elevates the brightness of the image while pulling it down reduces the brightness.

Luma Curve

In the curve module, a new Luma Curve has been added, allowing users to adjust it using the curve panel and curve dropper. The brightness curve is more effective at retaining color accuracy.

Single Channel Curve

Enhancing your picture with single-channel curves allows you to adjust the red, green, and blue channels independently. By making adjustments to single-channel curves, you'll achieve a polished and professional look, tailored to specific color channels.

Curve Adjustment tool

The curve Adjustment tool is also known as the on-image adjustment tool for the curve. Clicking the On-image adjustment tool in the image to target specific colors and adjustments correspondingly, no need to manually adjust curves!

HSL Feature Group

For HSL have 3 selections for each color. Hue tells you where a color falls on the color wheel. Saturation relates to the intensity or purity of a color. Luminance refers to the lightness or darkness of a color. By making adjustments to these HSL values, you have the power to fine-tune the look and feel of your colors, allowing for precise image adjustments.

Evoto provides 8 different colors to adjust, including Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Aqua, Blue, Purple, and Magenta.

HSL Selector

Provide users with an intuitive way to modify colors on images in terms of hue, saturation, and luminance. Introduce a "Dropper Tool" in the HSL module, allowing users to simply click on a color to select it and then adjust its HSL (Hue, Saturation, Luminance) values by dragging the mouse.

Color Grading Feature Group

Color grading divides the picture into three parts: Highlights, Shadows, and Midtones. It provides a selection to adjust three different positions individually. Select the part that needs to be adjusted, and drag the dot to adjust the color. The closer to the center, the lower the saturation would be. The closer to the edge, the higher the color saturation.

Blending: The smoothness of the color intersection. The higher the blending value, the more natural the transition of different colors will be.

Balance: The proportion of highlights vs shadows. The larger the value, the higher the proportion of highlights. The smaller the value, the higher the proportion of shadows.

Detail Feature Group

Please note only when you have adjusted the main Feature (Sharpen, Noise Reduction, and Color Noise Reduction), its sub-features are available to be adjusted.


Sharpen: This slider will enhance the detail and clarity of the image, making it look sharper.

Sharpen – Radius: It will help to determine the range of the Sharpen.

Sharpen – Detail: This controls how the Sharpen should enhance the detail in the image. A higher Detail value will retain more of the smaller details, while a lower value may reduce the effect of the Sharpen.

Noise Reduction

Noise Reduction: It will remove noise from the picture, and the sub-feature to achieve better noise reduction and make the image clearer and more realistic.

Noise Reduction – Detail: Achieve superior noise removal in images with prominent noise by selecting a higher detail value. For images with less noise or when preserving details is crucial, opt for a lower detail value.

Noise Reduction – Contrast: Adjust the noise contrast to make the noise more integrated with the surroundings, thus reducing the prominence of the noise.

Color Noise Reduction

Color Noise Reduction: To remove color clutter in the image, and to make the image clearer and cleaner.

Color Noise Reduction – Detail: Controls the color noise’s threshold. Higher values will maintain more color detail at the edge, but may cause staining. Lower values are more effective at eliminating stains but may cause color bleeding.

Color Noise Reduction – Smoothness: Controls color transition, good for pictures with more color noise. The higher the value, the smoother the color noise transition will be. The higher the smoothness for color noise the easier it will be eliminated, but the details will also lose as it becomes smoother.

Grain Group Feature

Pull the different sliders under the Grain Feature Group to add grain texture to the picture. It supports different selections to control the intensity of Grain according to the tonal range. Adjust the granularity effect by the size, roughness, and color variation of the grain.

Transform your picture into captivating works of art with varying moods and styles.

Overall Grain Strength: Pull the slider to control the overall grain strength.

Shadows: Pull the slider to control the intensity of the grain effect in the Shadows area.

Midtones: Pull the slider to control the intensity of the grain effect in the Midtones area.

Highlights: Pull the slider to control the intensity of the grain effect in the Highlights area.

Size: Pull the slider to adjust the grain size.

Roughness: Pull the slider to control the fineness of the particles.

Color Variation: Pull the slider to control the intensity of color noise in the particles.

Lens Corrections Feature Group

Lens Corrections are used to correct or amend the lens distortion, chromatic aberration, and other problems.

For RAW files Evoto supports automatic lens correction. The user just needs to select the corresponding camera profile. Manual adjustment for RAW files is also available.

Distortion Correction: Adjust the barrel or pincushion distortion, keep straight lines straight, reducing or eliminating the effects of lens distortion.

Constrain Crop: Correcting images while maintaining specific content or composition. You can enable or disable it.

Lens Vignetting: Used to correct the vignetting problem in the picture and improve the brightness balance. It will improve the visual effect of the picture by making the overall brightness distribution more balanced and natural.

Midpoint: It deals with perspective distortion or geometric distortion in the picture.

Color Calibration Group Feature

Color Calibration to adjust the Hue and Saturation of the three primary colors, and to correct the color deviation in the image to make it more accurate and realistic.

Last updated